Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I did not know Ms. Aldrich personally, but I would like to extend my deepest and sincerest condolences to the family and a few words of comfort from the Holy Scriptures.
When someone you love dies, you are left with much pain and sorrow, but you are not with out hope. Our loving Creator did not originally purpose for us to die, so he promises to one day reunite us with our dear loved ones who have fallen asleep in death. (Job 14:14,15; Isaiah 26:19; John 5:28,29) Knowing that you will see Ms. Christine again will hopefully bring you some solace during your time of bereavement.
Our merciful God, Jehovah, also promises to be there for you to help sustain you during this very difficult time. (Psalms 9:9,10; 55:22; 145:18,19) So, please draw ever closer to and accept all the help from our "God who supplies endurance and comfort."--Romans 15:5
I will also keep the family in my prayers.
Sincerely Yours